I am looking forward to getting into school, though. My first taste of it after so long, I was like icky! It’s gotten a little better since, but as I’m still nursing, I won’t have any. Enjoy more savings than never before with this discount coupon from Alexa Jean Fitness. And since then, whenever my mom is drinking a coke, I’ll take a sip. Place your orders now and enter this Alexa Jean Fitness promo code. I had none for 18 weeks, then I caved and had an hi-c orange, which really wasn’t that good. It’s actually easier to give up than Facebook.

Another social media site I would check countless number of times. I also won’t be getting on Instagram as much either. They weren’t Monday or Tuesday, but yesterday and today, yikes. And by the way, my abs are super sore today. I started on Monday Alexa Jean Fitness Sore to the Core program, and to get the best results, I know eating better would give them to me. Americký fitness model, narodený v roku 1991.
The website is also allows users of Seconds Pro to share their timers from the app with non-users. I also want to start eating at least a little better. Okrem toho, e pracuje ako fitness model, Amanda vyuuje Pilates tréning - jednu z najpopulárnejích fitness techník. Interval Timer is a website that allows users to create HIIT, circuit training, round, tabata or custom timers to share online with their friends or clients. Maybe an occasional check, but not for awhile at least. I wasn’t generally an active poster, but I still spent quite a bit of time on there. That site is ridiculously addictive, and I don’t want to be the mom who ignores her child scrolling through their newsfeed. I truly cannot wait to get my own place again, and with a baby I need to make a little more than what I do as a CNA, so back to school.

My number one goal is to get into school. I think it probably is mostly I miss writing on my laptop.Īnd without further ado (I just really wanted to say that…), I’m diving into this 5 Year Journal thing. I keep my own personal journal (so honestly, I’m not sure why I feel the urge to do so online, too…maybe it’s the keyboard, I love tapping away at the keys), I have several pen-pals. Workout Programs: /alexajeanfitness.Alexa Jean Fitness.
About American mum-of-one Alexa’s career as an online fitness model was kick-started by a series of snaps showing how she quickly lost her baby weight and regained her. I’ve found this thing called the 5 Year Journal, and I’m going to try to do it. Top 10 Fitness Female Models Who Make The Most Money On Instagram (10 pics) Posted in NSFW 16866. I have been on WordPress for right over two years, and my amount of time spent on here has dwindled down.

No, every day is a new day to start again. 24. Just because I failed those three weeks, doesn’t mean I need to wait until 2017 to restart. I failed the exercise thing for three weeks! But I’ve picked it back up, and I am determined to keep going. And ya know, it isn’t, if you’re going to just give up after failing. I know some people say it’s stupid to do the new year resolutions, and I doubt they think doing goals is any better. I should do it more than a couple times a week, but that’s better than nothing. I miss writing stories, and every time I open up Microsoft word to write, it feels wonderful. I try to write a little every week, which is much better than before- I could go months. I also wanted to get back into writing stories. Maybe later in the year I’ll start meeting my goal on this one, but for now… I’m a nursing momma, I wanna eat everything. No decision gets you nowhere, while from a bad or wrong decision, you can learn from it.Īs for eating even a little bit better, why do I bother? I can’t seem to stop eating the delicious cookies my sisters make. I am making a decision tomorrow evening, and while I’m terrified I’ll make a bad decision, no decision is even worse. I can’t say when I’ll be enrolled in school, but hopefully very soon. I have talked to the community college, and I have an appointment tomorrow.

I highly recommend Alexa Jean Fitness, her workouts are awesome. I am back to exercising, and it feels great. I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything, and I don’t miss the “tolerant” people being intolerant. So, on the lack of social media, I am doing good on my goals. I still am enjoying my blog, though, so I do check it throughout the day to read. I had replaced the constant checking of those two sites with Craigslist and my blog, but I have, not even intentionally, quit checking Craigslist. This past week, I didn’t even check it every day. I only check Instagram once a day, and the weekends I don’t check it at all. I didn’t exercise, or talk to any schools. That last one may or may not happen, I really can’t tell at this point.Īs I had written, I got sick in January. No Facebook for an undetermined amount of time, limit Instagram to once daily, exercise more, get into school, eat a little bit healthier, and, I really want to move out of my parents.